Reiko Kisaki | Chat Online
22/08/2023 19:22:51

Choose the best answer

Choose the best answer
1.Nowadays people(spend/last/take) hours sitting in front of computers
2.A.nurse B.picture D.return
3.A.worker B.teacher C.answer
4.Gardening helps me become patient and(responsible/responsibility/responsibly)
5 A.bird B.hurt C.collect D.heard
6.I love the sweet melodies so much.I often(watch/play/listen/make)to my Tam's sóng when I have free time 7.You can carve eggshells to(do a gift/put a gift/lend a gift/make a gift)for your friends
8.Playing monopoly or chess in a hobby of(music/board game/sports/games)
9.I find making pottery(difficult/intelligen/beautiful)
10.I often(go playing skiing/go skiing/play skiing)in winter
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