Phạm Vũ | Chat Online
26/08/2023 08:25:40

Correct the mistake in the following passage

VII. Correct the mistake in the following passage.

In a morden life today,the work of the farm is less hard because he is helped a lot by machines.That mean nore food  is produced and less labour and less work hours are spent.He also has more free time for entertain and more things such as a big house ,motorbike,television.Her life is getting better and good day by day.His children go to school.Before thay finish school ,they are spent to universities .The farmer still have to work hardly but his life is much improved

Question 61.
farm = >     
Question 62.
mean = >     
Question 63.
work = >     
Question 64.
entertain = >     
Question 65.
Her = >     
Question 66.
good = >     
Question 67.
Berofe = >     
Question 68.
universityes = >     
Question 69.
have = >     
Question 70.
hardly = >     
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