Park Chaeyoung | Chat Online
26/08/2023 10:21:05

Complete using the correct form of the words and phrases in the box

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
English 7-Consolidation - 1st Term
Exercise 4: Complete using the correct form of the words and phrases in the box.
Beat - challenge - have fun - interest - organize-score - train
Do you dream of (1)
........ the winning goal in a football match, or (2) .....
a top tennis player? Sports (3) ............. most young people, and it's a great way to stay
healthy and (4) ............. at the same time. That's why the local council has decided to
.. the own sports club. We know it's a big
help young people who want to (5) .......
(6) ........
help you find a place to (7)
and that why we'll give you the money you need to get started. We'll
........ and give you money to find good players in your
area. Contact the Town Hall for details.
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