Lèooo aka ếch xankkk | Chat Online
29/08/2023 21:48:34

Choose the best answer:

giúp mình với ạ xin cảm ơn 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Question 6. Our lives
_since the Internet was invented
A. improve
B. improved
C. have improved
Question 7. Going swimming in the summer is very interesting,.
A.is it
Bisn't it
C.are they
Question 8. I can't understand the French visitors. I wish I...
B. have known
C. knew
D. will know
A. know
Question 9. We suggest.
A.to take
part in many different charititable activities in our neiborhood
D.should take
C. to fishing D. fished
B. to taking
Question 10. They allow people.
A. fishing
(fish) here.
B. to fish
Question 11. If he ... the old lessons, he wouldn't get bad marks.
A. revises
B. revised
C. revising
in 1982
Question 12. The first colour TV pictures
B. were produced
A. produced
Question 13. She doesn't know where to go on holiday. She
B. must
C. need
A. ought
Question 14. Anita
very hard at the moment
A.is studying
B. studies
Question 15. I can't hear the news on television
B. up
A. on
Chave produced
C. studied
well. Can you turn
C. down
D. are improving
D.aren't they
D. will revise
D. produce
go to the beach.
D. may
D. has studied
..... the volume a bit?
D. off
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