khanh Khanh | Chat Online
02/09/2023 11:41:29

Rewrite the sentences

Rewrite the sentences
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentences
2. My friend ate the chocolate cake even though she was on a diet. >>Despite
4. My sister will take a plane even though she dislikes flying. >>In spite of
5. He isn't happy although he is very rich. >>Despite
6. Even though he got a good job, he was not satisfied. >> Despite
7. Although he often tells lies, many people believe him. >> Despite
8. Mary didn't go to school yesterday because she was sick. >> Because of
9. She went to bed early because she felt tired. >>Because of
10. Margaret stayed at home because her mother was sick. >> Because of
11. I couldn't do the test because it was difficult. >> Because of
12. I couldn't read the letter because it was dark. >> Because of
13. I can't study because it is noisy. >> Because of
14. The train come late because it was foggy. >> Because of
15. The train was late because the fog was thick. >> Because of
16. I can't sleep because the weather is hot. >> Because of
17. All the teacher love him because his conduct is good. >> Because of
18. Because there was a traffic accident, I went to school late. >> Because of
19. Because there is a shortage of meet, we had to live on beans. >> Because of
10. Because there was a lack of water, many trees died rapidly. >> Because of
1. Though she has been absent frequently, he has managed to pass the test. >> Des-
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