godofwwolf | Chat Online
09/09/2023 15:51:36

Choose the best answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Choose the best answer. (2.5 pts)
1. The robbery took .......... in a busy shopping street. (care-part-place-account)
2. No more ..........he live in the countryside. (do - does - is - has)
.... we were asleep, someone broke into our house. (When-While - Since - During)
4. He is not very
mountain climbing. (in-into-on-of)
5. It has been a pleasure to .............. business with you. (do-make-take - have)
6. What should the government do to help .......... unemployed? (a-an-the-X)
7. She finally made .........
the necessity of revision before the exams. (up-for-out-into)
8. We ............ about him when he came in. (talk - talked - are talking - were talking)
9. They waste a lot of time .............. unnecessary things. (do-to do-doing-did)
10. Will you be ...... kind as to help me with this heavy box? (as-very-so-such)
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