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10/09/2023 07:24:58

Past simple, past continuous and past perfect

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
- Grammar in context 1
Past simple, past continuous and past perfect 4 Complete the sentences with the past
1 Match the halves to make sentences.
simple, past continuous or past perfect form of
the verbs given.
1 Matt was riding his unicycle...
2 Josefina missed her stop...
3 Had he spoken to friends...
4 While Tony was looking for the tickets,...
s When I heard the phone ring-
6 The sun was shining yesterday.
7 They caught a plane home...
Had you planned for months..
a as soon as they heard the news.
blanswered t
before you went on the trip?
d when he had an accident
e because she had fallen asleep on the train
f I was looking for our passports
9 so I went skateboarding in the park
h before he went on the tour?
Choose the correct alternative.
Did you already learn/Had you already leacog to ride
a unicycle before you least saving school?
2 The roads
had been dangerous because it
bad soowedoand the night before
3 She
red had never visted Australia before
so she was feslingbad fat nervous
4 They stopped are stopping him from getting
on the plane because he had lost/lost his
boarding pass
5 He washadn't been tred because beid had
be was having a good sleep the night before
He foundles finding the geocache while he
climbadda dimbing a tree.
Put the words in order to make sentences.
2 on/hadn't/He/tour/a/he/the/ridden/
3 book/1/train/for/While/waiting/the/1/read/
4 switched/the/Whan/they/on/heard/the/
S the/station/left/already/the/time/By/he/
6 sleeping/was/As/tent/dog/a/his/he/
Unit 2
1 When he
2 As she.
3 While Ed,
every day
4 By the time they.
York, they.
s She-
the week before
(begin) his journey.
(never be) outside Europe
(get on) the train, she
(see) her luggage on the
(trave, he
(post) videos on his vlog
land) in New
(watch) three films.
(not have) a tent because
end) it to her best friend
Grammar challenge
5 Complete the article with the words in
the box.
as been can decided fimed for
had has have in is was
Social media-Instagram in particular-
in increasingly important role
uencing where we go on
holiday and what we see and do when we travel
This is good news for the travel industry for sure
buttes overtourism around the world. A
music video in
a canyon in Iceland the location received twice
many visitors as usual so iceland's
Environment Agency (4)
it for months Daffod Hin Volcano Calorias
famous for its fields of yellow and white daffodils
and it makes a great profile picture. The Ryan family
who own (1)
shared their beau
Towers with the public for free (g).
over 80 years k
thousands of visitors quaued for hours to pak their
cars. The volume of visitors had 00
in early July 2018, they
o close t, when one day
too high and they needed space to safely
accommodate everyone
So what is the solution? Many experts say the
real problem (
he geotag feature
on instagram, which shows the use of the photo
on a map When a particular photo goes viral
Jesut in thousands of people
showing up exactly where it .
all wanting a sotie v
same view So next time
you go on a tria geotag a place that needs to
Developing vocabulary and listening
Phrasal verbs connected with travel
Great students tip
Remembering phrasal verbs
Using phrasal verbs in informal texts and spoken
language will make your English sound more natural
and fluent. Learning them in topic groups (eg
travel) can make them easier to remember
1 Read the clues and complete the puzzle with
the correct form of the phrasal verbs given.
break down check in get away get back-
get in get into get on set off take off
1 It was lucky the fight arrived on time because
the weather suddenly got worse.
4 We helped my elderly grandmother to enter
the car
7 Sue showed her ticket to an official and want
through departures without a delay
1 She didn't know how she was going to return from
New York
2 The train stopped working in the middle of the
station and we were delayed for hours.
3 Julie was boarding the train when she fell
4 We packed and drove to France to go somewhere
different for the weekend.
5 The passengers felt frightened as the plane started
to fly in the storm.
Greta Thunberg started her voyage from Plymouth
on 14 August
2 Listen to two people talking about their
changing travel habits. Answer the questions.
1 How did they travel in the past?
Speaker 2:
2 How do they travel now?
Speaker t
Speaker 2:
3 tim Listen again and choose the correct
1 The woman..
a didn't use to worry about how planes affected
the planet.
b used to travel with her daughter
c travelled first-class on holiday
2 The woman decided to change because..
a low-cost flights are less expensive
b of the effect of travel on the environment.
cher daughter got very angry
3 Low-cost airlines are better for the planet because
a they fly direct
b more people travel on one plane
c they use less energy
4 According to the man, his holidays are...
a not very exciting, but they are eco-friendly
b now about enjoying the experience of travelling.
e better since he started driving around Europe
5 He prefers..
a longer holidays in one place.
b to get away as often as possible on weekend breaks
e to spend three weeks in different cities
6 The man
a posts his travel photos on social media.
b didn't feel relaxed after city breaks
c doesn't take as many photos as he used to
Critical thinkers
4 Research eco-friendly types of transport
online. Order these forms of transport from
most to least eco-friendly.
fights with stopovers on low-cost airlines
train, bus and coach
walking and cycling
direct flights on low-cost airlines
Vocabulary extension
5 Complete the sentences with the phrasal
verbs in the box.
get across get around
get down get on with
2 Use Tower Bridge to,
3 They didn't
get around to
get through to
London on the Tube
visiting the National
Gallery, but they saw everything else.
41 phoned the consulate, but I couldn't
the right person
s My sister's great fun-we really
each other
The luggage rack was high and I couldn't
my bags
Unit 2
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