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10/09/2023 10:12:53

Complete the passage

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VI. Complete the passage
Since the early days of the human, kinds of clothes have played an essential part in our life. We don't only choose clothes
to (..1..) us look attractive, we also use them to tell the world about our personality. The clothes we wear and our (..2..) as a
whole give other people useful information about (..3..) we think and how we feel. If we feel cheerful, we usually wear colorful
clothes and if we feel depressed we sometimes (..4..) dark clothes. But why do teenagers wear black so frequently? Is it
because they feel (..5..) all the time? This is unlikely to be the case. It is probably just because it is fashionable to wear black
(..6..) young people are real fans of fashion.
1. A. cause
2. A. nature
3. A. how
4. A. take on
5. A. miserable
6. A. but
B. make
B. appearance
B. which
B. dress up
B. cheerful
B. so
C. keep
C. character
C. who
C. put on
C. confident
C. yet
D. show
D. establishment
D. what
D. wear off
D. satisfied
D. and
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