Nguyễn Hoàng Long | Chat Online
12/09/2023 22:40:04

Write the second sentence with NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS so that it has a similar meaning to the first one

Write the second sentence with NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.

19. What leisure activity does he like most?

=> What’s ___________________ activity?

20. It takes us more than a week to finish our project.

=> Our project _______________________ a week to finish.

21. Who took care of the dogs while you were away?

=> Who looked _______________ while you were away?

22. He likes to chat online with friends in the free time.

=> He’s fond _____________________ friends in the free time.

23. My parents only allowed me to go out at weekends.

=> My parents only let ________________ at weekends.

24. How about going skating this afternoon?

=> Shall ______________ this afternoon?

25. Could you help me with this box?

=> Would you mind __________________ this box?

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