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15/09/2023 21:10:15

Khoanh vào đáp án đúng nhất

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
D. make
A. make
B. pay
C. do
13. Last week was the harvest time. I was staying with my uncle, and I helped him load the rice onto
happy life.
14. We often spend a lot of time talking with our
during Tet holiday.
D. relative
A. relation
B. relationship
C. relatives
people in the countryside are not rich, they often have a peaceful and
A. buffalo - drawn cart
C. cart -drawn buffalo
D. When
B. Although
C. Despite
16. Except for some minor changes, life in my hometown has generally remained at a slow
D. both B & C
A. speed
B. rhythm
C. pace
17. Which one do you prefer, life in the
area or life in a modern town?
D. remote
A. far
B. further
C. distance
area for two weeks. The transportation was very
18. I have stayed in a
inconvenient and there was no entertainment canter to relax.
A. rural
B. urban
C. outskirts
19. It is
in the city than it is in the country.
C. noisier
than I thought it would be.
C. easiest
than Math.
Ms. Tra My
Mob: 0376101992
A. noisily
20. The English test was
A. the easier
21. English is thought to be
A. harder
22. My house is
24. Tom is
A. Because
A. cheap than
23. Her office is
A. father
26. A boat is
25. He did the test
A. handsome
C. more handsome
A. as bad as
A. slower
27. My new sofa is
28. My sister dances
A. gooder
29. This road is
30. He drives
A. more comfortable
C. more comfortabler
A. narrower
B. more noisier
B. more easy
B. the more hard
B. cheaper
B. more far
than David.
B. weller
B. cart buffalo - drawn
D. cart- buffalo drawn
B. badder than
B. slowest
B. narrow
C. more cheap than
away than mine.
C. farther
C. hardest
B. the more handsome
D. the most handsome
I did.
C. more badly than
than a plane.
C. more slow
than the old one.
B. comfortably
D. comfortable
than me.
C. better
than that road.
C. the most narrow
his brother.
D. suburb
D. noisy
D. easier
D. the hardest
D. cheaper than
D. farer
D. worse than
D. more slower
D. more good
D. more narrower
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