jun | Chat Online
18/09/2023 20:57:01

Rewrite the sentences, using "too"

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
II/ Rewrite the sentences, using " too
1. I am very busy. I can't go to my friend's birthday party.
2. My mother is ill, so she can't go to work today.
3. The students can't catch their bus because they are very slow.
4. The girl is extremely short. She can't reach the top of the ceiling.
5. They didn't go to class on time because they got up too late.
6. The children were excited. They couldn't sleep.
7. Those boys are not old. They can't do that job.
8. He can't lift that box because he isn't strong.
9. Her grandmother is quite old. She can't live alone.
10. They looked tired. We didn't allow them to attend the game
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