Nguyễn Thùy linh | Chat Online
21/09/2023 15:38:20

Give the correct gerund form of these verbs

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Bài 1: Give the correct gerund form of these verbs (
the verbs)
1. He likes (play) basketball.
2. I can't stop (watch) TV.
3. They enjoy (eat) apples.
4. Lisa dreams of (become) an idol.
5. We are interested in (study) abroad.
6. Are you good at (cook)?
7. She is crazy about (read) comic books.
8. I continue (do) my homework until midnight.
9. You should give up (smoke).
10. I don't fancy (go) out too late.
11. They avoided (tell) the truth.
12. He kept (talk) during the film.
13. Do you mind (give) me a hand?
14. He recommends (take) the bus instead of (travel) b
15. We suggest (visit) the museum.
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