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27/09/2023 14:28:55

Exercise 14. Looking at grammar

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 14. Looking at grammar. (Chart 3-4)
For each situation, predict what probably will happen and what probably won't happen. Use
either will or be going to. Include probably in your prediction.
1. Antonio is late to class almost every day.
(be on time tomorrow? be late again?)
→ Antonio probably won't be on time tomorrow. He'll probably be late again.
2. Rosa has a terrible cold. She feels miserable.
(go to work tomorrow? stay home and rest?)
3. Sami didn't sleep at all last night.
(go to bed early tonight? stay up all night again tonight?)
4. Gina loves to run, but right now she has sore knees and a sore ankle.
(run in the marathon race this week? skip the race?)
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