Minh Đăng Đoàn | Chat Online
27/09/2023 15:36:53

Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
38. The house (stand) on its own, on a hill that (overlook) the park.
39. I'm a bit worried about Greg. He (work) too hard in his present job. He really
(need) a holiday.
40. Helen (receive) hospital treatment for a year before the doctors finally (tell) her
their diagnosis.
41. When the doctor (arrive) at the scene of the accident, he (realise) the victim still
42. When she (be) a child, she always (want) to do the most dangerous things.
43. When you (get) your first job?
44. Between 1980 and 1990 they (work) in three different countries, and (move)
house five times.
45. When I (go) back into the room, my friends still (quarrel) about the coffee.
46. The students (spend) three hours doing this work.
47. We (pack) the cases while the removal men (load) the furniture into the van.
48. What our world (be) like in the year 2020?
49. By the end of this week we (raise) over $10,000 for the children's charity.
50. This time next week I probably (live) on the other side of the world.
III. Give the correct form of the verbs provided (V-ing and To-infinitive)
1. What will you have? - I'd prefer (have) steak, please.
2. Have you forgotten (meet) me years ago?
3. I remember (visit) Paris when I was very young.
4. I shall never forget (be) taken to see the Moscow State Circus.
5. Just stop (talk) and listen for a moment.
6. He regretted (stay) in the same job for so long.
7. He advised me (apply) at once.
8. Please leave me alone. I'm trying (concentrate).
9. I need a change. I need (go) away for a while.
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