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27/09/2023 15:37:33

Give the correct form of the verbs provided (V-ing and To-infinitive)

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
46. It's hard (imagine) that anyone actually wants (work) down a mine.
47. She is very interested in (listen) to Pop music.
48. He apologised for (break) my vase.
49. She decided to give up (look) for another job.
50. I'm very fond of (learn) English.
IV. Choose the correct form of the verbs
1. Neither Bill nor Mary (is/are) going to the play tonight.
2. Anything (is/are) better than going to another movie tonight.
3. There (was/ were) some people at the meeting last night.
4. Each student (has/ have) answered the first three questions.
5. Either John or his wife (make/ makes) breakfast each morning.
6. The crowd at the basket ball game (was/ were) wild with excitement.
7. She and I (has/ have) seen this film before.
8. A number of the applicants (have/ has) already been interviewed.
9. Twenty dollars (is/are) all I can afford to pay for that recorder.
10. Writing many letters (makes/ make) her happy.
11. No example (is/ are) relevant to this case.
12. No problem (is/are) harder to solve than this one.
13. John, along with 20 friends, (is/ are) planning a party.
14. Mr Robbins, accompanied by his wife and children, (is/are) arriving tonight.
15. Our team (is/ are) going to win the game.
16. The organization (have/ has) lost many members this year.
17. Both she and I (have/ has) been to London before.
18. Physics (isn't/ aren't) nearly as interesting to me as literature.
19. (A lot of/ Much) vehicles (have/ has) just been recalled because of a design fault.
20. I'd like (a few/ a little) milk in this coffee, please.
21. Not (many/ much) doctors are prepared to visit patients in their own homes.
22. Both Jim and Carol (is/ are) on holiday.
23. (A few/ A little) of the shops (were/ was) open but most (was/ were) closed.
24. Can you lend me (few/ a few) dollars?
25. There (were/ was) (little/ few) traffic, so the journey didn't take very long.
V. Complete the following sentences with tool sol either/ or
1. We like swimming in the pool, and
does he.
2. I will go to the cinema this afternoon, and she will,
3. He has lived in Paris for 5 years, and I have,
4. She doesn't like tennis, and
5. Anna can't type well, and I can't
does my brother.
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