Minh Đăng Đoàn | Chat Online
27/09/2023 15:38:39

Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the words provided

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IX. Rewrite the following sentences beginning with the words provided
1. This room is smaller than that one. (That room
2. She isn't intelligent as her sister. (She is less
3. My father speaks English the best of all. (Nobody.
4. No one can play the piano better than Jane. (Jane is
5. My new shoes are less comfortable than my old shoes. (My old shoes
6. My mother cooks better than me. (I don't
7. Money is less important than health. (Health
8. Mary is the most intelligent in my class. (No one in my class
9. I work as fast as Tom. (Tom
10. Jane doesn't sing as beautifully as Mary. (Mary
11. Nothing is more difficult than Maths. (Maths
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