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28/09/2023 21:15:47

Match the highlighted words in the text to their meanings

Match the highlighted words in the text to their meanings.

Grandparents = Grandpeople

Last month we asked you to send us your ideas about grandparents. We received some very interesting answers! Some of you describe your grandparents as friends. They are the people you talk to when you have to talk to an adult, but you don't want to talk to your mum or dad. They help you, they're there for you and they don't disagree with you. But there are a few of you who have grandparents who live in different towns, or even abroad, and so you don't see them very often.


Grandparents are special people and we love ours! Here's what you say.

Giuliana Ross, Canada

I love everyone in my family, but my grandma is really special for me. She lives a few streets away from us, so when I want to be on my own, I usually walk to her house. She doesn't ask questions. T love that! We do lots of things together too, like making food, which we enjoy. At the moment, she's teaching me to make her favourite dish, which her grandmother taught her. It's quite hard to do, but I love sharing moments with her. It's special.


Andy Davidson, USA

I love my granddad! He's just the best - he can keep a secret, he helps me and he's really funny! We have lots of fun, and we have lots in common. We both enjoy going climbing! My granddad is really good at that no one realises that he's in his sixties!


Boris Sanneh, UK

My grandparents live in another country. They visit us about every three years, but it's hard because we don't really know what to talk about. They ask about school and things like that. That's usually the first week. By the second week though, things are a bit better and it's more natural. When my sister and I were younger, they visited more often and I remember Grandpa doing silly things, like making faces when Mum wasn't looking. He still does that sometimes. But now that they are older, I'd like them to live closer.



1. small and not important

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2. doing things with your face that make people laugh

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3. in or to a foreign country

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4. having a thing, experience or emotion at the same time as someone else

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5. notices or understands something

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6. food prepared as part of a meal

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