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30/09/2023 16:04:57

Read and answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VIII. Read and answer
No Asian country has a longstanding history of tipping culture, but growing tourism from western visitors has changed the
cultural expectations in some countries, but not all of them. What might be interpreted as an act of generosity in one country
could be seen as an insult in another. Although you may think you're doing a good thing by leaving a generous tip, you may
actually be doing some harm. While traveling throughout Eastern and Southeastern Asia, the rules of tipping will change
depending on the country you are visiting and the potential tipping scenarios you'll find yourself in. You'll find that attitudes
and expectations toward tipping are as varied as the many cultures that make up this part of the world.
In countries like China and Japan, tipping is not only uncommon, it's discouraged and can be seen as an insult. In this
case, it's best not to tip to avoid the risk of offending your server. However, if you must give money, do so in a tasteful
envelope as a "gift" rather than pulling cash out of your pocket in front of the recipient. In other Asian countries, such as
South Korea, and Singapore, tipping is more acceptable in luxury hotels and expensive restaurants. In Hong Kong, where
tipping customs are the opposite to mainland China, tips are happily accepted without offense and in the Philippines, tipping
is becoming more encouraged and even expected.
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