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02/10/2023 16:01:00

Complete the conversation, using the sentences (a - e) to fill in the blanks (1-5)

Exercise 3. Complete the conversation, using the sentences (a - e) to fill in the blanks (1-5).

a. What should I have for breakfast?

b. What else is important?

c. Do you often skip your breakfast?

d. Can I have some frozen foods?

e. Breakfast is the most important meal of a day
Nam:   I usually feel tired and sleepy in the morning.
Mr Hung: (1) ____________________________
Nam:     I get up quite late, so I don't have enough time to eat breakfast.
Mr Hung:  You shouldn't do that. (2) ____________________________. It helps you to focus and study better.
Nam:     I will try not to skip it. (3) ____________________________
Mr Hung:  You should eat bread, eggs, or cereal. If you don't have much time, drink some milk or have a snack bar.
Nam:    (4) ____________________________
Mr Hung:  It's okay. Just make sure you eat something before class. And remember to have enough sleep, about 7 - 8 a day.
Nam:   (5) ____________________________
Mr Hung:  You need to get some exercise every day. You can walk to school or do a sport.
Nam:   OK, I will. Thanks for your advice.

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