Minh Ánh Lê | Chat Online
06/10/2023 08:42:58

Read, answer the questions, and translate

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
tad of vocabulary
Task 2. Read, answer the questions, and translate.
I often feel stressed because of my schoolwork, my parents, and my friends. There is so much
homework to do in the evening. And my parents also complained about why I couldn't be as good as a student
who I never knew about. My classmates are really excellent, they're not only intelligent but also energetic
(manh mê), and they have a lot of achievements. To deal with my stress, I divide my school work into parts to
do. That way reduces my tired feeling after finishing my homework. I ignore my parent's complaints and focus
on my own goals. I also ask my friends for tips about how to become excellent like them. I feel motivated after
receiving so much useful advice from my friends.
1 What pressure do you have?
2. Is there so much homework?
3. How many parts of homework did you divide?
4. Who did you ask for advice?
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