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07/10/2023 12:04:24

Đọc đoạn văn sau, tìm thông tin và trả lời câu hỏi

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
3 E
when you eat a variety of dishes and foods that are low in fats, sugars, and
thy eating means. Healthy eating is
processed foods. When you choose the main ingredient of one dish or food,
you cannot have more than one serving of it in a day. For example, if you
make chicken nuggets with an apple sauce topping, then the apple sauce
topping counts as a serving of fruit.
There are many different opinions on what is the right amount of food to
eat. Some people believe that a person should eat until they're full while
others believe that the body needs less food than what it wants. Some
experts say that the best way to keep your body healthy is to have regular
meals and snacks throughout the day.
The main rules of healthy eating are deciding what to eat and what not to
eat. The guidelines that you should follow are making sure that every meal
has a variety of nutrients like protein, carbs, and vitamins.
There are many benefits of healthy eating. The most significant of these is
that it stops you from gaining weight and prevents lots of diseases. In
addition to these benefits, a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
legumes (beans), and lean proteins can lower the risk for type 2 diabetes by
23 percent.
There are many rules of healthy eating, and some of them might seem
difficult. However, if you keep these guidelines in mind and watch your
portions, you should be able to eat healthy without feeling too restricted.
III. Read the passage and do the following tasks.
It's important for people to eat as much as they need to give them energy. If
they eat too little food or the wrong food they won't have enough energy. If they eat
too much, they will need to make more exercise; otherwise they will put on weight.
When we eat the correct quantity of food for the exercise we take, we call this the
energy balance.
Fat is very high in calories, and so is no help at all in keeping energy balance.
Fat has also been linked with heart disease, and many experts believe that eating
ess would help to reduce it.
Sugar isn't good for the energy balance either. The only value of the diet is to
provide energy,
and you can get that from other foods. There's no doubt that too
much sugar makes you fat and it doesn't do your teeth much good either.
Fibre, on the other hand is something that we eat too little of. One of the
simplest ways of eating more fibre is to eat more bread, particularly whole meal,
granary, or high fibre bread. It's a good, cheap source of fibre and nutrients without
too many calories. Potatoes are good, too. Like bread, they are underrated, but
they're excellent for filling you up without making you fat, especially if you don't
cover them with butter or fry them in fat.
So eat less fatty food (sweets, chocolate, cakes pudding, jam) and eat more fibre
foods (bread, potatoes, pasta, fresh fruit and vegetables).
A. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1. People won't need to make exercise if they eat too much.
2. When people eat too much they put on weight.
3. Eating less fat would cause heart attacks.
4. Sugar provides energy, but it causes obesity.
5. Fibre foods are good for the energy balance.
B. Complete these sentences.
1. People eat a variety of foods so as to
2. People mustn't eat the wrong food so as not to
3. If we don't exercise regularly, we will
4. People must eat fibre foods such as.
C. What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
1. 'it' in paragraph 2
2. 'that' in paragraph 3
3. 'it' in paragraph 3
4. 'them' in paragraph 4
D. Find in the text words that mean almost the same as:)
1. will be fat (paragraph 1)
2. decrease and diminish (paragraph 2)
3. give and supply (paragraph 3)
4. cook food in hot oil or fat (paragraph 4)
1. Write a paragraph of some advice to avoid coronavirus by using the
given words or phrases.
1. We/ still in the pandemic/ coronavirus/ so/ we/ need/ take/ measures/ prevent/ it.
2. Firstly/ we/ should/ wear/ face mask/ in public/ and/ indoor spaces.
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