Chu Đức Quang | Chat Online
07/10/2023 12:43:16

Write the second sentence, using should or shouldn't

mn giúp mik bài 16 vs
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 16. Write the second sentence, using should or shouldn't.
1. White and black are colours of funeral in Vietnam. (you/ wear/ white or black clothes/ the first days/
the New Year)
you shouldn't wear
2. The Japanese take punctuality seriously. (we/ arrive/ on time)
3. Respecting old people is our tradition. (you/ say "hi"/ when/ meet/ old people)
4. In India, food isn't seen clean once it touches your plate. (you/ never/ offer/the food in your
5. In Thailand, the head is seen as the most sacred part of the body. (you/ never/ touch/ adult or child/
the head)
6. Alcohol is not good for your health. (you/ try/ alcohol)
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