phúc hồng | Chat Online
07/10/2023 22:11:23

Rewrite the following

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
V. Rewrite the following
1. Based on what Bob said, they don't share many of the same interests. (little) → common.
2. I was surprised by her comments. (aback) → I.....she said.
3. She watches that TV show almost every day. (without)→ Hardly a day.....that TV show.
4. Do you mind if I change the channel? (objection) → Do you.....the channel?
5. I tried to make her feel comfortable but in vain. (ease) → I vain.
6. Your car license has expired, sir. (out)→ Your....., sir.
7. Our getting the contract depends on Jonathan. (on) → We.....contract.
8. Why can't Roy accept the fact that he is incompetent? (face) → Why can't Roy.....incompetent?
9. The prisoners have still not been captured. (large)→ The prisoners.....
10. Nobody in the whole room blushed but me. (red) → Nobody.....but me.
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