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08/10/2023 08:14:17

Read and write

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I. Read and write.
orange sugar chocolate leaf bread puppy juice car butter dish
ice-cream milk rice honey student bike salt horse meat dress
II. Fill in the blanks with "much, many, a lot of".
O There are so
birds in the sky.
I haven't got
homework today
John hasn't got
There aren't
There is
Are there
Jane spends
Have you got
Are there,
We are early. We have
cars in the street.
gold in the bag.
apples on the tree?
money at the shops
bread in the cupboard?
children on the beach?
III. Choose the correct word.
1. We have got
2. There are,
3. Anna slept,
4. We have
S, There are
6. There isn't
7. We haven't
8. My sister hasn't got
9. His daughter hasn't got,
10. Tom has got
IV. Choose the correct answer.
1. Would you like,
a much
2. There aren't
a much
3. You shouldn't
a much
sweets there. (many-much)
books on the bookshelf (many-much)
yesterday. (many-much)
lessons today. (a lot of-much)
tables there. (much-a lot of)
milk at home. (many-much)
computers. (many-much)
6. There isn't
6. some
b. some
eat too,
4. Laura has got too
a. much
5. There is
b. some
b. some
b. some
money. (many-much)
flowers. (many-much)
cars. (many-much)
c. many
peaches on the plate.
c. many
c. many
c. many
c. many
rice in the soup
& many
d. an
d. an
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