Chu Bích Hảo | Chat Online
09/10/2023 18:49:45

Write the correct form of the words in the brackets

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
III. WORD FORMATION (1.2 points)
Write the correct form of the words in the brackets.
17. Scuba diving looks
18. The first time I went rock climbing, I was really
19. It costs 10 dollars to rent the
I think I will try it. (EXCITE)
equipment. (SAFE)
of stamps and postcards from different countries. (COLLECT)
20. Andy has a
21. Kate is having a birthday party next Sunday. She sent me an
22. My brother is really into extreme sports like rock climbing or zorbing, but my mum thinks
they're too
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