Thái An Ngô | Chat Online
09/10/2023 21:58:31

Make some notes. Write your email to Juliette. Use all the notes on Juliette's email

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
make some notes. Write your email to Juliette. Use all the
notes on Juliette's email.
Things for
type of
From: Juliette
Reply Forward
Next week I'll be with you
in London! I can't wait. It's
going to be so cool! We can
do lots of exciting things
together. I need to pack for
my trip. What should I bring
- with me?
I know some French things
are difficult to find in the UK.
So do you want me to bring
anything from France?
See you soon,
I'd like to get you a souvenir
- from where I live. What would
you like me to get you?
I'm so excited about the trip! -
Me too. I
can't wait!
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