Minh Hằngg | Chat Online
13/10/2023 18:49:26

Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
In front of the cinema.
- I am in front of the cinema, but I can't see you.
Are you going out now?
- Yes, I am. Can you wait for me for a while?
IV. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence.
1. Did you forget your purse
a. on
b. of
c. in
2. He was sentenced to ten years in prison on charges of drug
a. charging
b. stealing
c. trafficking
d. trading
3. In recent years, there has been thousands of victims of sexual and physical
a. sentence
b. crime
c. abuse
d. conduct
4. Harrison's greatest attribute is his ability to work
a. within
b. under
c. in
d. on
5. My parents always criticize me for not getting good grades at school. I wish they put
themselves in my______________.
a. pants
6. He wondered
b. legs
purpose so you wouldn't have to pay?
d. for
c. hands
to tell the news to his parents.
d. shoes
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