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14/10/2023 22:35:41

Complete the passage

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VII. Complete the passage
While few people claim to be addicted to it, ice cream is certainly a firm (..1..) among people of all ages in many parts of
the world. (..2..) it is commonly believed to have originated in China, and has (..3..) been associated with Italian manufactures,
it doesn't (..4..) come from either of those countries. Ice cream is thought to have originated when chemists in the Middle
East (..5..) out that by adding salt to water, you effectively cooled it down. In the 11th century, wealthy Arabs were certainly
enjoying sorbets of water ice sweetened (..6..) sugar or fruit juice. The (..7..) for making this delicacy (..8..) found its way into
Europe, however, and the first book to (..9..) it was published in Italy in 1530. At that time, water ices were typically served
by monarchs and other important people as a special (..10..) on great occasions. The British are supposed to have been
responsible for (..11..) up with the idea of using cream in their ices (..12..) of plain water and thus ice cream as we know it
today was born. However, it was to remain an expensive luxury because it (..13..) on ice imported in vast blocks from colder
climates. It was only from the mid-19th century (..14..), with the invention of modern refrigeration techniques, that ice cream
started to (..15..) the familiar item of mass consumption that it is today.
1. A. reference
2. A. Moreover
3. A. long
4. A. successfully
5. A. checked
6. A. from
7. A. rule
8. A. really
9. A. mention
10. A. fun
11. A. making
12. A. instead
13. A. learnt
14. A. afterwards
15. A. establish
B. liking
B. Despite
B. late
B. presently
B. worked
B. of
B. method
B. carefully
B. point
B. treat
B. bringing
B. rather
B. based
B. onwards
B. belong
C. favorite
C. Whether
C. ever
C. actually
C. carried
C. on
C. way
C. likely
C. remark
C. joke
C. turning
C. behalf
C. relied
C. forwards
C. become
D. prefer
D. Although
D. far
D. honestly
D. thought
D. with
D. mixture
D. eventually
D. refer
D. cheer
D. coming
D. replace
D. needed
D. upwards
D. recognize
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