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15/10/2023 07:17:10

Write the benefits of living in the countryside, using the words or phrases below

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
F. Writing
II. Write the benefits of living in the countryside, using the words or phrases below.
Benefits of Living in the Countryside | huom loin thin
1. homes/ the countryside/larger/streets/emptier/ and/the air/ fresher
2. live closer/nature/ and/you/ often have outdoor activities/ fishing, camping, hiking or climbing
Cleaner air
3. less traffic / the road /so/ air quality / better/moreover / a lot of trees and grass / improve quality of
the air/too
Cheaper cost of living
4. all things/groceries or products/cheaper/You / also grow / own vegetables
Lower stress
5. it / because of living near nature/there/less noise, cheaper cost of living, and cleaner air
III. Write about the disadvantages of living in a village, using the words or phrases below.
Disadvantages of Living in a Village to this day
1. big cities / all kinds of entertainment/ but / the countryside/you/ not find / all of these activities there
2. a village / not have good schools, colleges or universities / therefore / students/move / a city / further
3. difficult / young people/ have opportunities to develop their careers/or / work / big companies
4. lack / health facilities / one of the major issue / When / have serious health problems / you / go to th
city / get medical treatment
5. it / a lot of time / travel from one place to another/ and sometimes / you / leave hours earlier /get/
place on time
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