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21/10/2023 14:53:50

Which is the best alternative

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Which is the best alternative?
We're having (B) a party next Sunday. I hope you can come.
A We have B We're having C We'll have
2 Do you know about Karen?
A She leaves B She's going to leave C She'll leave
3 There's a programme on television that I want to watch.
in five minutes.
A It starts B It's starting C It will start
4 The weather is nice now, but I think........
A it rains B it's raining C it will rain
5 'What
next weekend?'
A do you do B are you doing C will you do
6 'When you see Tina, can you ask her to phone me?'
AI ask B I'm going to ask C I'll ask
7 'What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?'
A I have
C I'll have
B I'm going to have
8 Don't take that newspaper away.
A I read
B I'm going to read
C I'll read
10 I want to meet Sarah at the station. What time....
A does her train arrive B is her train going to arrive
11 'Will you be at home tomorrow evening?' 'No.
A I go out B I'm going out
C I'll go out
..her job. She told me last week.
9 Rachel is ill, so
A she doesn't come B she isn't coming C she won't come
A Do I phone B Am I going to phone
'Nothing. I've got no plans.
Units 25-28
you tomorrow?' 'Yes, OK!'
C Shall I phone
to the party tomorrow night.
C is her train arriving
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