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27/10/2023 19:39:00

Match the collocations on the left with their meaning on the right

1 ai giups minh voi ai lam duoc minh cho 1k xu
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
D. youthful
B. Great
derly have much wisdom to share with younger general
B. oldly
Exercise 6. Match the collocations on the left with their meaning on the right.
1. Psychological
2. Broaden the horizon
3. Contribute to society
4. Keep in touch with
5. Lose touch with
6. Make friends
7. Have a good
8. Come across
9. Go out with
A. to stay connected with someone, usually by maintaining regular
communication through various channels.
B. to become disconnected from someone or something due to a lack
of communication or contact over a period of time.
C. refers to any mental or emotional condition or issue that affects a
person's behavior, emotions, and cognitive processing.
D. refers to a positive and mutually beneficial connection between
two people, often characterized by trust, support, and respect.
E. to date or spend time romantically with someone.
F. to make a positive impact on the community or the world, usually
by donating time, skills, or resources to help others.
G. to encounter or find something or someone unexpectedly.
H. to become distant or disconnected from someone or something,
often due to changing circumstances, interests, or priorities.
I. to expand one's knowledge, experience, or perspective, generally
by exploring new ideas, cultures, or possibilities.
10. Grow apart
Your answer:
Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with suitable collocations from Exercise 6.
have a good
broaden the
come across
J. to form new relationships with people whom you enjoy spending
time with and who share similar interests.
to society
keep in
touch with
1. Many people experience fewer_
2. Living in the countryside c
3. People in the countryside often have more opportunities to
4. Because the countryside is less densely populated, it can be easier to
5. However, it is also possible to
. In the countryside, it is common to
. Sometimes, you might
ot find in the city.
go out with
grow apart
lose touch with
Making friends
when living in the countryside.
as there is more natural beauty to explore.
through volunteering and community
close friends and family.
people when living in a more rural area.
in the countryside can be easier due to close-knit community.
with neighbors and other community members.
new and exciting experiences in the countryside that you may
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