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29/10/2023 20:56:22

Read the following passage and answer the questions using NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS.BULLYING

Exercise 4: Read the following passage and answer the questions using NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS.


Bullying is a big problem that happens in many different ways. It can involve mean words, physical actions, or exclusion which means excluding someone from a group. A study done in British primary schools found that about a quarter of students said they were bullied, and some of them said it happened a lot. In secondary schools, there was less bullying, with about one in twenty-five cases being persistent but harder to deal with. In the past, schools didn't always admit that bullying was happening because they didn't know much about it or have the right tools to handle it. But now, things are changing. People are starting to recognise how serious bullying is, and schools are creating rules to stop it. They're doing this because they know it's important, they have the resources to help, and they've seen that their efforts can make a difference. Studies in different countries have shown that when schools take action, bullying goes down a lot. In general, people are working hard to stop bullying in schools. They understand that it hurts students and want to make sure everyone feels safe.

1. How many students in British primary schools reported being bullied?

2. Did bullying occur more frequently in secondary schools?

3. What are schools doing to stop bullying?

4. According to studies in different countries, what is expected when school take actions?

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