giang nguyễn | Chat Online
31/10/2023 18:33:56

Rewrite the sentences without change their meanings

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
"Where can we get these traditional handicrafts?" Nick wondered (Using "wh- + to V")
Nick wondered
'Where should I park my car?' asked Phong.(Rewrite, using "wh- + to V”)
Phong couldn't decide
'How should we use this support service?" they wanted to know. (using "wh- + to V")
They wanted to know....
'When should we leave for the bus?? they asked. (Rewrite, using "wh- + to V")
They had no idea...........
"How many days a week do you go to school?" she asked me. (Change into reported s]
"I am too tired and don't want to go out.", said Mai .(Change into reported speech)
'Do you sleep at least eight hours a day?' the doctor asked him. (Change into reported s
The book is 8 dollars., and the newspaper is 2 dollars. (Rewrite, using comparative)
The book
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