giang tran | Chat Online
04/11/2023 17:58:07

Fill each blank with a given word (there are two redundant words)

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
XI. Fill each blank with a given word (there are two redundant words)
twice-diet-much- diseases - experts - become - work - yogurt - compete - foods
"Imagine a grocery store where each food is divided into kinds for those buyers who have back
problems, or are at risk from other (...1...). Imagine great-tasting (...2...) that help protect the
body from major diseases and environmental damage", the president of the American food
company Omega Tech says. This is starting to (...3...) a reality. Last year in Britain the chemical
company Roche offered a kind of fruit juice that contains (...4...) as many vitamins as milk.
International food company Nestle is marketing a (...5...) with factors that help our body get rid
of bacteria. In the new century, natural foods, won't be able to (...6...) with chemically altered
and processed foods. The usual common sense, however, is that if you have a well-balanced
(...7...) with plenty of fruit and vegetables, you'll get all the vitamins and minerals you need for
a healthy body. Supplements, diet (...8...) often say, are a waste of money.
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