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12/11/2023 09:55:40

Choose the best answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. It's crucial that the Earth.....protected from human harmful activities.
A. would be
B. must be
C. was
2. Her health is not good......, she wouldn't have to take medicine all the time.
A. Otherwise
B. However
C. Moreover
3. Yesterday her boyfriend didn't show up at her birthday say he couldn't make it.
A. neither he called
B. nor he called
C. nor did he call
4. .....that none of us could
finish it.
A. It was such difficult test
C. So difficult the test was
B. It was so difficult a test
5. I'm sorry I.....your name again.
A. forget
B. have forgot
C. forgot
6. One problem is that each student has his own.....needs.
A. individual
C. distinctive
9. I really can't.....the twins apart. They look so alike.
A. say
B. talk
10. .....I love you, I can't let you do whatever you like.
A. Whether
B. Much as
11. But for their help, he.....
A. wouldn't have failed
B. separate
7. He answer all the questions within the time given
A. that impossible
B. it impossibly
8. A young tourist has been declared.....after he got lost in the mountains last Monday.
A. absent
B. deserter
C. missing
C. take
C. Despite
B. has failed
C. has not failed
12. Although he was a furniture-maker, he produced the most beautiful chairs.
A. unable
B. uneducated
D. untrained
D. just in case
D. to have taken
C. incapable
13. She may have missed the train,.....she won't arrive for another hour.
A. at the case
B. in which case
C. all the case
C. to taking
14. It's about of yourself.
A. you took
C. it impossible
B. you take
D. be
D. Therefore
D. he didn't call either
D. The test was too difficult
D. am forgetting
D. private
D. that impossibly
D. vanished
D. tell
D. Whatever
D. would have failed
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