Vũ Xuân Bình An | Chat Online
13/11/2023 21:46:49

Fill in each blank with the correct word: "some", or "any"

giúp mình với
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
ote vino stex
Ill. Fill in each blank with the correct word: "some", or "any"
Mai: I'm really hungry. What did you have for funch?
Nam: Nothing! wanted to make woy pancakes but I don't know how to make one.
Thatow stad
Mai: OK We can have
pancakes. Is there
our and cooking oil?
eggs too
Nam: Yes, and we have
Mai: Good. I need two eggs for each pancake. I want
Nam: Yes, there is
for you. Do you need
proused perle 01
green onions?
Mai: Yes, I need aniwallet
turmeric too.
minced pork
OK, that's enough for us to make pancakes how
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(A) aid
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