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20/11/2023 20:16:07

Complete the following sentences with a, an, the or Ø(zero article)

Exercise 5 : Complete the following sentences with a, an, the or Ø(zero article)

1.I brush my teeth twice _______ day.

2.There is _______ cup and _______ two glasses on the table.

3. My father gave me _______ ten-pound note.

4.These days, many teenagers write ______ emails instead of letters.

5.The boy eating _______ ice cream is _______ my brother.

6.My dad bought_________ ornamental kumquat tree forTet.

7.This is _______ love story and that is _______ interesting short story!

8.I don’t like that restaurant. _______ food there isn’t very good.

9.I usually have _______ orange every day.

10.Don’t wear_______ hat when you go into a temple or a pagoda.

11.My grandmother lives on _______ farm with my granddad.

12. It's becoming a custom for us to stay out very late on______ New Year's Eve.

13.Mr. Smarty is _______ hourly paid worker in _______ company.

14.I used _______ tube of toothpaste in _______ month.

15.Lisa had me look after _______ cute cat and _______ naughty dogs.

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