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20/11/2023 20:16:30

Complete the following sentences with a, an, the or Ø (zero article)

Exercise 6 : Complete the following sentences with a, an, the or Ø (zero article)

1.I like to play _______ chess with my grandfather.

2.Would you like me to play _______ guitar for you?

3.The children are playing _______ badminton in the yard.

4. When my father was a young man he was interested in _______ Chemistry.

5.I speak _______ English and _______ French, but I don’t speak _______ Spanish.

6. _______ Gymnastics is very popular in our country.

7.My brother is a great specialist in _______ Physics.

8._______ Vietnamese are very friendly and hard-working.

9._________ Chinese language is rather difficult.

10.The kids like playing _______ hike and seek.

11.What do we have for ______ dinner?

12.Did you have _______ wonderful dinner yesterday?

13._______ breakast we had today was very good.

14. What do you usually do after _______ breakfast?

15.After _______ dinner rest a while, after _______ supper walk a mile.

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