hoa vui tính | Chat Online
23/11/2023 16:53:01

Chuyển câu

2."You should go to bed early", said my mother.
3."You had better not go out so often", said my friends
4."How hot it is!", he said.
5."What a lovely house they have!", said Mary.
6."Don't leave the room", he said to them.
7."Hurry up, Loan", they said.
8."Please don't tell anyone what happened", said them.
9."Will Tom be here tomorrow?", she said.
10.He said,"I was born in 1980".
11.He said,"If I were you, I wouldn't come here"
12.My teacher said,"The sun rises in the East".
13.Mary said,"I wish I were a boy".
14.They say,"We will travel by air".
15.Hang has just said,"I am going to learn French".
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