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26/11/2023 17:09:49

.Read and answer the questions

Reading1.Read and answer the quetions (1m):
There is only one disease called common: the common cold. We call it the common cold because every year
millions of people catch it.
Everybody knows the symptoms (triệuchúng): a runny nose, a slight fever, coughing and sneezing. It is very
unpleasant, but nobody knows a cure.

At the drugstore, there are usually shelves with cold "cures". These medicines don't cure a cold, but they do relieve
(làmgiảm) the symptoms. Whatever you do, your cold will last for a few days and then disappear.
How can you help prevent a cold? Eat well, exercise and you will be fit and healthy.
1. Why do we call the cold 'common'?
2. What are the symptoms of the common cold?
3. Is there a cure for the common cold?
4. Will the cold last for a few days and then disappear?
Reading 2. Choose the best answer to complete the passage:
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