Kim Phượng Đặng Thị | Chat Online
27/11/2023 21:38:01

Reading Comprehension:

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV. Reading Comprehension: (1m)
Hi Dan,
Let me tell you about my vacation. I did something really different this year. I took part in a beach clean-up
and it was great! I arrived at Pebble Beach in Somerton on Tuesday morning. It was really dirty and the smell
was horrible. There were plastic bags and trash everywhere so we had to clean it up. Over 150 volunteers took
part. We worked for eight hours and picked up over five tons of trash! The beach looked amazing after we
finished. Save The Beaches organized the event. It organizes at least five clean-ups every year. They are all
over the country. I want to do another one next year. Would you like to come? Let me know.
See you,
A. Jane
26. The beach was really
A. beautiful
27. There were
A. glass
28. There are at least
A four
Answers: 25.
did something really different this year.
B. Dan
C. Mike
B. dirty
B. used paper
B three
when she arrived.
C. good
and trash everywhere
C. plastic bags
clean-ups every year.
C. five
D. Ben
D. peaceful
D. cans
D. seven
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