Nguyễn Thùy linh | Chat Online
30/11/2023 12:41:33

That, they would be unable to receive offerings, With the appropriate practice of the Land

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
that, they would be unable to receive offerings. With the appropriate practice of the Land
Genie and Kitchen Gods worship, people can help uphold and pass down traditional
cultural values in modern life.
(Adapted from
True (T) False (F)
1. Land Genie and Kitchen Gods ride carps back to Heaven on
the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month.
2. Rituals and offerings are the same throughout the country.
3. Golden carps are the "vehicle" for the gods to return to Heaven.
4. If the ritual were conducted after the noon of the 23rd day, the
gods would still be able to receive offerings.
5. People can help uphold and pass down traditional cultural
values in modern life.
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