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08/12/2023 20:44:30

Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words

Exercise 17. Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words.

1. Linh’s not fond of uploading our class photos to the forum. (detests)


2. People in the city seem to react more quickly to changes than those in the countryside. (slowly)


3. Although social media websites help teenagers find and discuss information much faster, it can be bad if it is overused. (however)


4. Some students fancy riding bicycles around the lake in their free time. (keen)


5. We won’t celebrate the festival. It will cost too much money. (if)


6. Most people book flight tickets in advance. They cannot return home for Tet. (otherwise)


7. Children like Tet because it’s a long holiday. They can also receive lucky money. (moreover)


8. Parents now have higher expectations of their children, so children are under more pressure than before. (therefore)


9. This website can give US a variety of ways to deal with stress. (provide)


10. The ancient pagoda in this area is a very popular tourist destination. (famous)


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