Lê Uyển Nhi Nguyễn | Chat Online
09/12/2023 13:08:57

Chọn từ phù hơp

25. Did you read books to the (elderly) richl poor homeless) in the ursing home last Sunday!
26. When gardening, students learn to wait for the plants to grow to (happiness/ maturity/
responsibility/ pleasure).
27. He (buy/ bought/ buys/ had bought) me a big teddy bear on my birthday last week.
28. Someone (throw/ threw/ throws/ has thrown) away a pile of rubbish on the pavement yesterday.
29. Trang often (uses/ used/ is using/ use) glue and cardboard to build her dollhouse.
30. When children take care of their pets, they learn how to take on (happiness/ maturity/
responsibility/ pleasure).
the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.
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