Khánh Băng Phạm | Chat Online
09/12/2023 19:51:23

Find and correct an error in each sentence

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----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV. (2.0 points)
1.I'd prefer go to the music festival at my school.
2. Let's to share the pictures we took last week.
3. The characters in the film are not the same like the ones in the play.
4. City life is not more peaceful as country life.
5. A vacation on the beach is different with a vacation in a big city.
6.Learning to play the guitar is not as easier as I thought.
7. How about meeting on 7.45 outside the theatre?
8. Water puppetry is an traditional art form.
9. The Louvre Museum is the world's large art museum.
10. Some students say music isnot most important than math.
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