Hoàng Thị Minh Châu | Chat Online
11/12/2023 21:37:11

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9

làm từ 3 ->18 giúp mình nha
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
- prep or particle into blanks.
1. It is necessary
you to leave at once.
2. He supported the plan..... all his heart.
3. Of course, at the time I didn't know what was . . . . . his mind.
4. Hard work leads . . . .
5. In the end, my friend succeeded..... winning the game.
6. She raised no objection... going back to London.
making both ends meet.
7. She had great difficulty.
8. The horse was tied ..... a post.
9. Roses are sensitive ... cold.
10. I was shown the house he lived....
11. We have much to be thankful..... him.
12. He was not acquainted
13. We both thanked you..... the bottom of our heart.
14. He asked me if I knew the way.
..... the station.
15. She hesitated to give her opinion..... this problem.
16. What is Ha Noi famous .....?
17. Which hotel will the tourists stay. . . . . ?
18. It was her boy-friend that she bought that book.....
19. The point is who(m) he offered it
20. She is listening..... the radio now.
21. May I have a look.
..it ?.
22. I need some paper to
23. Give me a pen to write..
24. I don't like to be made fun.....
25. Who(m) does he fall in love. . . . . ?
26. Children must be well cared . . . . . ?
27. The doctor has just been sent
28. Who(m) did your mother write a letter.....
29. That is what they have profound belief....
30. It was the revolutionary cause that he dedicated his life....
31. This is an interesting subject to make a report.
in many books.
32. The quality of teaching and learning must be carefully thought
33. This article is referred . . . . .
34. The details were paid attention
35. The teacher was listened to .....
great interest.
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