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16/12/2023 16:21:47

Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete the following sentences (2.0 pts)

B. pork
I. Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete the following sentences (2.0 pts).
1. Only fresh fish
in this restaurant.
B. is served
C. is to serve
musical............such as guitar, piano or cello.
B. paintbrushes
C. opera
C. different than
A, is serve
2. She can play some
A. instruments
3. Their kind of music is
A. different with
C. Beet
B. different as
tomatoes do you need to make the sauce?
B. How many
A. How much
"What is your..
A favourite
C. How long
dish for breakfast? - "It's beef noodle soup"
B. most
C. best
you like to go to the movies with me?
B. Are
C. Would
D. Jump
6. There was ..........milk in the glass.
D. any
C. many
B. a little
A. a few
7. The Temple of Literature
A. poor
is one of the historic and.......... sites in Vietnam.
C. cultural
B. culture
D. new
A. Will
II. Find and correct ONE mistake in each sentence (1.0 pt).
1. My mother doesn't enjoy horror films, and my sister doesn't too.
2. For how much hours a day do you do your homework?
D. serves
D. microphones
D. different from
D. How often
D. liking
D. Could
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