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16/12/2023 20:12:26

What key does not lock the door

1. What key does not lock the door? => A key word
2. Where does June come before May? => June of the last year
3. What is the best place to put the cake in? => Our stomach
4. Why is the letter A like twelve o'clock? => ?!?!?!
5. What is the difference between a soldier and a young girl? => Usually, soldiers are men.
6. Which can you keep after giving it to your friend? => Friendliness/ Good friendship
7. What is it that was tomorrow and will be yesterday? => The present
8. What comes twice in a moment, once in a minute and never in a hundred years? => Cái gì kỳ ta?
9. What is it that larger the more you take from it? => The largest ?!??!?!
10. Which letter of the alphabet goes round Great Britain? => Letter s
11. When I eat, I live but when I drink, I die. What am I? => Electric machines (Their food is electricity.)
12. Why is the letter T like an island? =>
13. What word becomes shorter by the addition of a syllable? =>
14. What belongs only to you, and yet is used more by others than by yourself? => My back (A lot of people look at my back everyday, or they can consider my back a table to write something and I cannot do that.)
15. What goes up when the rain comes down? => A rainbow
16. What goes up but never comes down? => The sea level today ^-^
17. Which travels at greater speed, heat or cold? =>
18. Which 2 letters of alphabet have eyes? => B and g
19. Which 4 letter would frighten a thief? => B, L, T, …
20. Which can you keep after giving it to your friend? => Friendship
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