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21/12/2023 16:15:30

Choose A, B, C or D for each gap in the passage

VI. Choose A, B, C or D for each gap in the passage
When we feel anxious,we often give ourselves negative messanges like:''I can't do it'',''I'm useless''......It can be difficult but.....(1)to replace these with positive thoughts such as''relax,concentrate-it will be ok''
  Picturing how you'd like things to go can help you feel more.......(2)try to imagine yourself turning up to an exam feeling confident and relaxed.You turn over your paper,write down what you do know and come away knowing you tried your best on the day 
It can sometimes feel like your whole future depeds on.........(3)grades you get.There can be a lot of pressure......(4)young people to do well in exams which can cause much stress and anxiety.You might feel if you don't get the grade you will let your teachers or parents......(5)
Remember,exams are important-but they are not the only way to a successful future.Lots of people....(6)success in life without doing well in school exams 
1/ A.afford                     B.allow         C.let        D.try 
2/A.positive        B.negative       C.tense           D.stressful
3/A.why           B.when          C.what
4/A.about             B.with           C.on         D.for
5/A.down             B.up         C.on 
6/A.take          B.achieve           C.go
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