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25/12/2023 21:21:21

Supply the correct verb forms

11. Supply the correct verd forms.
1. What would you like (do)....…….……….….....
2. I can (organize).
3. I really enjoy (walk)......
4. They don't want (move).
5. You don't look very well, you should (go)
& Jenny doesn't mind (get up)
7. I'm surprised (see).
& Lots of people must (pay)
9. "I suggest (go)
10. We are all looking forward to (meet)
11 Rawrite th
during your next holidays?
..my birthday party in my flat tonight.
...in forests.
..in the countryside because of the lack of transport.
to the doctor's.
..new taxes this year in our country!
to that new restaurant on Bond Street"- "Good idea!"
............Our boss!
you here.
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